Banner Ups® Adhesive Grommet Tabs
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Banner Ups® aggressively bond to virtually all banner materials as well as Coroplast, Foamcore, and paper. Banner Ups unique shape allows them to be applied at different corner angles as well as along the top and sides of banners
Faster, Stronger, & Easier than Grommets
Banner Ups® by Budnick Adhesive Grommet products allow you to create super-strong banners instantly at a fraction of the time and cost of grommeting. Banner Ups ®, PowerTabs ®, and EdgeTabs ® are stronger than grommets because they spread the stress of high winds over a much larger area. Banners made with Banner Ups® withstood sustained wind tunnel tests of 50-70 miles per hour! Banner Ups aren’t just for banners! Use Banner Ups by Budnick anytime you need a fastener for plastic film, posters or lightweight board.